Story: 300 Suns's Fried Chicken Series

"How did you first hear about the Left Hand Artist Group?"

It was my first meeting with LHAG as they call themselves. As a first time member, I had to get on my feet and tell them the answer to this question. As I normally do, I told the truth, even though it was less than positive.

"Well," I more or less said. "I was told," by the restaurant that shall not be named "what ever you do, don't join Left Hand Artist Group."

The group laughs and I go to show them that I'm a digital artist.

Like all LHAG meeting it was held at a local eatery, in this case 300 Suns's Brewery. After the meeting, I decide to get a salad with fried chicken with another professional artist. While eating, I can't help but notice just how good the fried chicken was.

Now. Let's not beat around the bush. I'm black and I like me a good piece of fried chicken. And before you ask NO! I'm making 0 apologies. Seriously, friend chicken is one of a handful of food items (pasta in Italy, ice cream, french fries, fresh squeezed orange juice, etc) that if you do not like, I'm sorry, you're just wrong. Wrong or improperly initiated. A lot of tomfoolery is passed off as fried chicken, and it's a joke with no punchline; everyone is left hanging and no one is smiling by the end of it.

This gastronomical crisis is quite common across the United States. Seriously, with the exception of kind of Ezell's, I couldn't get a decent basket of fried chicken in the whole of Seattle proper. When I move to Colorado I feared that I would be fall the same fate in the West. However 300 Suns's prove this hypothesis wrong.

Later conversation with 300 Suns's back of house would reveal that the chef, Nate had been in part trained by a Southern cook and it shows. he reveals a detail about the marination process and I immediately corroborate that that is the correct way to do it. So in 2023, when 300 Sun's won best spicy fried chicken sandwich in the Denver Post I was anything but surprised.